I love that I can go out and sit in the sun and be so comfortable and not get overheated with a sun burn. Although this week I did get a sun burn.
I love when I can start placing seedlings out durning the day to get going in the garden.
That is not quite what we did this week tough.
I actually Planted CARROT seeds in my raised bed, on Wednesday. Whoohoo.. We dug around a bit and stirred the soil up a bit and sifted the dirt a bit and planted a 2'x3' area with carrot seeds. I am so excited about this years crops. I so have big dreams about what is going to happen here this season.
I will implement what I learn from Growcology, every other Saturday, and bring it on. Right here in my own backyard.
This week we also started Spinach seeds in seed starter pots. That is for Punkin to tend to durning the week. I will have to make sure it is taken care of over the week ends when she is not around. Not a problem though.
Also this week in this warm weather we were able to go out and sit an observe, our chickens for a science project. Kind of neat to see what a child see's as to what I see. Totally two different views. It is all okay though. All good.
I have seen total growth in these past few weeks here at everestranch. We have shared some really deep thoughts about what makes us ,us.I have heard some things that are not real comforting but glad I was trusted enough to be told. I have felt emotions so deep that I had to turn away from them and keep silent. I have been totally blessed to be loved and learn more about how to love than ever before.
I love the way the good Lord does stuff and how He shows me after the fact what He has done.
I am so elated this week, that I just want to go on and on, but it is time to stop and fix dinner for my husband.
Thanks for stopping by and being interested in my part of the world. Hope yours has been a blessing this week also.
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