Okay, so last Thursday I was at a meeting from our homeschool and there was a speaker. Norm Wakefield, from, Spirit of Elijah Ministries. What a great evening of courage. I had to purchase a book he wrote called, 'Equipped to Love , Building Idolatry-free Relationships'.
Well I have been reading it slowly and trying to take in as much as possible with little bites.
Each day I am tempted with tons of hatred to believe.
I am reminded that I am human and fail miserable, yet I have grace from my Savior who also reminds me to continue to Love, with out expectations.
I so want to Love others the way Jesus loves. I so want to see how much one is capable of truly loving others. I am ready to keep the heart open to the work the Lord is doing in me. I can see results in small ways already.
Others I think can too, but do not realize it yet.
My death dream is to have something said about how much I loved everyone. If I died today, it wouldn't. I don't do so well, but I want to.
Doesn't that seem crazy. I mean If I was able to love others unconditionally then I wouldn't even think about it, would I? I so want to love like Jesus does.
Tomorrow I am going to my Thursday Summer Bible group,; Well the one that I was going to last summer and we get together sometimes when our regular Women's Bible Study has a break.
So tomorrow we will get together and have intercessory pray for someone or some thing, as well as bring one scripture about God's power that brings hope for that person or thing. This gathering will be themed 'Scriptures of Hope'.
Mind you I have been praying about this since I got the notice. I have searched scriptures and thought about who and or what. Today I mentioned to Punkin that I still didn't know who I should pray for and what bible verse I should bring.
Out of the mouths of babes.
"I do!"
So I inquired, "You do, what and who?"
" My dad. Pray that he would stop being the fool who builds his house on the sand and that he would build his house on the rock".
So I got a 3x5 card and wrote it down and the verse is Matthew 7:24-27.
Wow, Out of the Mouths of Babes.
I have been praying off and on for this guy for years and yet I do not like him, But God is showing me how to Love him.