Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Behind the Scenes

I have been so busy with trying to many ends meet and find what works, that I have very much neglected this blog. I began making created items to sell as you may remember. I was doing okay. Good times and bad. This year has been the worst as of date. But I have remained busy. LOL!
I was blessed with a website last month and am hoping to have you stop by and check it out. Maybe comment on what you like best and don't like most. It will take time to climb to the top pages of google, Ping and others, but it could climb faster with help from viewers like you.
Just visit when you have a second. and it could help me grow in many ways.
Please check it out. Return from time to time and if you want something unique as in "Just For You", contact me and I will see what I can do for you.
Thanks for stopping by and reading whats on my mind at this time.
Blessings~ Judith

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Prayers Needed

Please pray for Bambi(my daughter) and her family, and the greater Portland area. There are multiple massive wildfires that are burning rapidly in the Columbia Gorge This area is known world wide for its wind surfing, meaning wind is a huge contributor to this fire spreading. At this time it's on the Oregon side of the Columbia River (the state border), but officials are preparing for it to cross over into WA. 

Please pray for rain, that's expected Thursday, to come early, and for a miracle in this area. Tomorrow's temperatures should drop into the 80s as a heat wave ends, but the winds will not ease without God's divine intervention in this area. 

Also, pray for protection over Bonneville Dam which is in the middle of the fire zone, supplying power to the entire PNW, and even to you in SoCal! No idea the ramifications of what fire damage would do, but I'm sure we'd all feel them! 


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

It appears I’ve been lost, and truth be told, it was rather needed. 

Sometimes in life we get so caught up in keeping up with The Jones’, we forget how to focus on the here and now. We loose a bit of who we are, what we stand for, and where we’re headed. 

I’ve been away from the blog for almost two year now, and while I don’t know what I’ve filled 690 days with (how has it been that

long?!), I do know it was a season I needed to have. The Lord is so good to us, in all seasons, and I love being able to look back and see what work He has done. Sure, in the moment it’s not always easy, and often we can’t grasp why His plan differs from our own, but all in all, I know He is in control.
Daughter and grandbabies
I’m still stitching away over at (ETSY), just not as often as I once did, and on the weekend I get to connect with other quilters. During the week, I’m often caught up into the hustle and bustle of being a housewife, a grandma, a small business owner, and gardener, all while trying to focus on being a daughter of the one true God. 

Summer is in full swing, the weather is hot, the crops are ready for harvest, and I can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon!