Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter in SoCal With Chocolate and Carmel

Okay, today in SoCal it is about 74* outside, but in my house is 67*. Go figure. Plaster walls stay cool longer and takes awhile to warm up. But outside is wonderful. I used to call it mailman weather. lol That can say where I used to be.
But today I am sewing up a storm. No wind today, just calm mellow breezes blowin' thru the window panes.
I have been working at getting all the ins and outs of my newest adventure, ETSY.
It is a lot of work. Well for me it is. Between homeschooling and babysitting and working and.....well you get the picture. A woman's work is never done. I just keep adding pans on the fire.
So with this new adventure, I found a way to show more of what I am doing. More to be learned I am sure, a little at a time.
Today I found I can share my blog in my shop about page, yay!.So I am sharing what is new there.
This is what I added today.

I envision Chocolate and Carmel goodies.
See more in the shop by clicking on the ESTY link off to the side. Share with your friends and family and follow me and like my facebook page Everestranchcreations
I can use all the help I can get. 
Thank you reading my blog and take care. Visit again and see what else is new.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Not a Fan of Football

Okay, so I am not a fan of football, due to a date so many years ago, I can not remember. But the game events, I do. Not so good ending to a great game.
 Well so with that said, I just listen to the people talk about the GAME.
And on that note, I made 49er wallet's and a coin purse.
Then I needed something pretty again to make and so I did. What do you think?
Women's Checkbook Wallet
It has black on black batik for the lining. The body is corduroy with gold gilding in the design. The pockets are made from Thimbleberries fabric. So what do you think? Do you like it?
Coin Purse
I wish it wasn't so far back on the pages of etsy(66). ugh
Just wanted to keep you updated on the progress at my shop.
Thank you for stopping by. Please visit my shop if you want to see more items or views of these.

Men's Billfold

Checkbook Wallet

Monday, December 30, 2013

Another Time Another Year

As we all know, the year must come to an end an another will be issued in. It is that time.
I have not been quilting so much as I have be playing, catch up. But I have been sewing and that is good. I can't say I have used up my stash as Angie over at A Quilting Reader's Garden has. Nor have I been able quilt up as many as others have this year. But I am sewing.
I started an etsy shop and so at least I can sew on little things and then share them with others.
I am still homeschooling my grand daughter so that is where most of my time is spent. Also, with the new grand babies that entered my world this last year. I have been busy. I was able to make a couple of small quilts that i think I posted, but may not have.
Time just keeps ticking away and there are times when I can't remember what today is.
Like today when I woke up and had to ask myself, what is today and who is coming. "No one", was the reply. I had the day off. So I cleaned a little bit and then hit the sewing room. I was able to finish another wallet for my shop, with hopes that someone will like it as much as I do.
I must keep this short so as not to really bore you so I will end it with this.
HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR and keep on stitching in your quilting play house.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I am so thankful for all you who stop and read this blog.
 I hope you all have and or had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
There are so many blessing to give and to receive.
When I sit down at the table to share a meal with family and friends, all loved ones, tomorrow, I will give thanks for being alive. But most of all, Alive in Christ.
Sure the shopping is around the corner, but I stop, and give thanks for everything. I don't want to let this day slip away unnoticed, and so I don't shop, around the corner.

Now if shop and you don't want to go to far, then visit my shop by clicking on the link to you right, shop if you would like. For my readers I would like to offer you a 20% discount. Just type in -- BLOGREADER20 --- in the coupon code.  This offer ends Dec.20, 2013.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blue on Blue is Finally Done.

Oh my goodness. I can't remember when I started this, but it has been a while.
Blue on Blue
It is Finished!
I really like how the black inner border makes the 26 different colors pop. And well because I didn't have another blue that would work as the binding, I chose black. It works!.
Hope you like it. I have it for sale over at my etsy shop that you can get to by clicking on the link at the side of this post.
I have added another wallet or two as well, so go on over and see whats shoppin', while your hoppin' on the blog hop.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. Happy Bloogin'