Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blue on Blue is Finally Done.

Oh my goodness. I can't remember when I started this, but it has been a while.
Blue on Blue
It is Finished!
I really like how the black inner border makes the 26 different colors pop. And well because I didn't have another blue that would work as the binding, I chose black. It works!.
Hope you like it. I have it for sale over at my etsy shop that you can get to by clicking on the link at the side of this post.
I have added another wallet or two as well, so go on over and see whats shoppin', while your hoppin' on the blog hop.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. Happy Bloogin'

Friday, November 15, 2013

November Half Done

Hello Bloggers,
           I cannot believe that this month is already half over. It seems like it was just the beginning of the new school year and yet that was over two months ago.
  With the time scooting by so quickly, I am not sure I am ready for the holidays.
My daughters anniversary is 10 days away, for their second year of being no longer newly weds. And little Caleb is already six weeks old.
Sweetie boy, will be "1" in less than a month, and he is now walking. We do laps around the kitchen/ living-room.

So, while I work with all the little ones, I also try to keep my sanity making little quick projects.
I posted a few more items for my etsy shop.

I sold a couple as well. Some friends came in to town last week and just had to have a couple of the wallets.
Well need to get going, as to brainstorm more ideas for color schemes.
Thank you for stopping and visiting, and check out the shop on your way around the web, by clicking on the link on the right.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Month Ending

Well another month has come and gone and I have been super busy.
Around my house, home-school and babysitting continues, and SEW does sewing, YEAH!!!
I have managed to find time to create a couple more items for my shop on ETSY. If you want to see all that is there, just click on the tab link on the right of the page.

I was able to visit with the newest member of the family yesterday and that was fun.

And J.P. is almost walking, with the two step forward, one step back dance. Another week and there will be no stopping him.

Well I need to go. The time is slipping away.
Thank you for visiting and please visit my shop, and come back again.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Additions

Since I was here last, I have have had a few additions.
I have a new grand-son. He arrived on Oct 4, 2013. Weighing in at 7lbs. 13ozs. , and measuring 20".
Both mom and baby are doing great. He eats about 2.5ozs. at a time. Growing like a weed already.
I also have made a couple more items for my etsy store.


I am making more items almost everyday. It is a way for me to get my sewing therapy in while, home-schooling my grand-daughter.
First time in my arms at 3 hours old
It would be great if you could stop by there and browse a bit. Let me know if there is something you would like to have and any new ideas are welcome.
African Leopard Black and Tan
Blue Hawaiian Hibiscus 
Sea Foam Green Batik
 Well I need to get back to business. Thank you for visiting. Please do return.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

News from Everest Ranch

Hi there, For those who haven't been here before, Thank you for stopping by, and for those who have in the past, Thank you for coming back.
I have been busy with many different things.
I have been trying to get somethings going for better therapy  and some payoffs.
I still home school and now baby-sit my new grand-son who is almost walking on his own.
But I started my own Etsy shop. I was making the items for my daughter's etsy shop. Things just got hectic. And well now she is about to have her first baby and I Need to do this for myself.
So I opened it about a week ago now and hope to have good results with it. I made all of Hope-n-Motions wallets. Also many of the aprons and bags. I guess I did a lot.
So with a little bit of time on my very busy plate, I now have a shop to run and keep stocked.
If you want to get a special handmade-one of a kind item, quilter's wallet, or other item that will be coming soon. Then stop by my shop and see what is available.
Hope you like what you see and if you have ideas, please let me know.
 Thank you again for stopping by and hope you stop by my etsy shop as well.


Here are a few of the items.
Women's Laurel Leaf 

Black & Grey Snake

Aqua Marine Blue Turtle

I will do my best to post more often.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Remembering My Friend- Carol

I just want to say that as we live our lives for today, that time flies past us.
One of my very dear friends went home to be with the Lord before this last Christmas and it took all of who love her for a spin.
 This past weekend she was laid to rest at sea. She will be remembered by all who knew her, because she left an impression on all who met her.
She was one who would give you all she could, but if she needed something she didn't always demand it.
 She was so funny at times, as she grumbled about what she truly believed in.
She wasn't happy about where this country was going and wasn't afraid to let you know about it. She believed in the Savior and was sure to tell you about Him if you would listen, but wouldn't push Him on you.
She had more sewing machines than anyone I knew. Yet only began to sew about six maybe seven years ago.
She loved her dogs and cats and yes even her chickens. She also loved horses, but she loved flamingo's most, and PINK.
She was an avid reader and there was a list of books and authors she just had to read. She loved to share her books as well.
When ever she found something new, that excited her, she shared it with anyone and everyone who would give her the time, or not. She loved to share.
I am so pleased to know that she has been laid to rest where she wanted to go, but knowing that she is in heaven and I will one day see her again, makes me the happiest.
I will miss her until we meet again.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Real Reason

I found this and had to share;

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16-17).

With the busyness of the holiday rush and the constant bombardment of commercialism at this time of the year, it becomes easy to lose focus on what is truly important. Put things in proper perspective with this lighthearted look at the real reason for the season.

Why Jesus Is Better Than Santa Claus - Author Unknown

    • Santa lives at the North Pole, but Jesus is everywhere.
    • Santa rides in a sleigh, but Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water.
    • Santa comes once a year, but Jesus is an ever present help.
    • Santa fills your stockings with goodies, but Jesus supplies all your needs.
    • Santa comes down your chimney uninvited, but Jesus stands at your door and knocks.
    • You have to wait in line to see Santa, but Jesus is as close as the mention of His name.
    • Santa lets you sit on his lap, but Jesus lets you rest in His arms.
    • Santa doesn't know your name, but Jesus knew our name before we did.
    • Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly, but Jesus has a heart full of love.
    • All Santa can offer is "HO HO HO," but Jesus offers health, help, and hope.
    • Santa says, "You better not cry," but Jesus says, "Cast all your cares on me."
    • Santa's little helpers make toys, but Jesus makes new life and mends wounded hearts.
    • Santa may make you chuckle, but Jesus gives you joy that is your strength.
    • While Santa puts gifts under your tree, Jesus became our gift and died on a tree.
You can come up with some of your own truths and add if you would like.
Have A Blessed and Merry Christmas, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's About Time

Hi Everyone, Wow I can't believe how much time goes by,
I have been so caught in the daily doings of my life that I don't get to come by much anymore.
I want to try to get back more often though. Just to catch you up a bit, We are having a new arrival this month. In fact it could be any day now. My daughter is about to let go of my fourth grandchild. And she is so ready.
I have been making blankets and cootie covers and sister gifts and bibs, and, and and......I am tired.
I am still homeschooling my Punkin and we are learning so much. This year is going pretty smooth so far, with mom covering every once in awhile.
I am still making wallets that we are selling on our etsy shop
and I have been training my new baby who is so lovable and growing.

Well I just wanted to stop by with a quick update and hope I can again sooner than later with more. Thanks for stopping by, and happy blogging,


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Things that have been Happening -7/4/2012

Some things that have been happening since my last post....
Lets see where to start and it won't be in chronological  order by any means cause to much has happened.
So, the new garden is in and growing beautifully, Thank the Lord.
We have finished another year in our home school adventure. Amazing that we are both still breathing, and wanting to give it another try for another year. I do say that with some hesitation, but have purchased new curriculum for the coming year.
We had to say go bye to a real love in our family. Tasha was 13 1/2 years old. She went deaf last summer and she was slowing down to the point where she didn't want to get up due to pain in her joints. She was sick but the quality of life was gone and summer was her hardest time since she was so full of thick hair. We didn't want her to suffer the last days of her life so we laid her to rest in March.
In April we brought home a new family member and she is a real treat as well as beautiful.
She is going to be a real asset to this ranch.
She is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. And OH MY GOODNESS, I love her.
I have been working on the same quilt since early January and am having a real struggle keeping it going.
I have gone back to work on Saturdays just to add more to the daily things to have to do, but I Thank God for that too. It has helped in these times of struggle with the cost of Everything continuing to go up.
I did get to go to Quilt in a Day in May.
I purchased enough fabric to build a quilt to cover a king sized bed and more. I just need to get busy with doing it though.
Like I told Angie over at A Quilting Reader's Garden, I keep having to do things like can tomatoes.
I have been learning a lot more about nutrition these last few months and I would like to fire my doctor.
But that is not up for discussion.
I have been making wallets to sell on HopeNMotion on Etsy lately. Another blessing.
So with all that said on this Cool July 4th, 2012, I guess that is all for now.

Zucchini needs something done with it, more bread maybe.

Monday, February 13, 2012

One More Thing....

Just wanted to say "Thank you" for checking out my blog, but I have got sooooo much going on in my life with not enough plates to hold them all. So I will be having to put this blog on the farthest back burner as of now. I may resume when time permits, but I just have to rest knowing that this blog was another adventure that I took for a time. The journey was a fun ride and I have learned so much, but I need to get back to the more important things in my life. The stuff that has kept me from blogging for almost two months. The stuff that makes me tick. Writing really is not one of them. So Again, Thank you, for stopping by when you have and reading some of what I had to say and share. HAPPY BLOGGING.

Monday, January 2, 2012

It Is a New Year

I cannot believe so much time has gone by since I last posted.
I have had some ups and downs like no one's business.
I had a working vacation, because my daughter and her husband bought a home. Yes a real fixer upper. But when it is complete to their liking, it will not even look the same inside. But a lot of work. Even outside, with all the brush that my husband and my son- in- law has cut back/ out, is just amazing. It seems to never stop.
The floors have all had to be pulled up due to being ruined by other owners. All the walls have been painted with KILZ  all. The bathrooms have been scrubbed until the fingers hurt, and then some more.
But it is coming together and it will be a great first home.
I have also went back to working on Saturdays, so even though we were out on Christmas break, I was working. Either at home, my daughters home or at work. And today was our first day back to school.
So because most of everyone in other schools were still out, we had school out- side.
We played hop-scotch while we did our math flash cards. We did our practice spelling test in chalk on the side walk. (The dirt just didn't cut it out back around the pool).
We also had visiter's if you can call mommy a visiter.
Since Punkin was at daddy's house the second part of the break, we didn't get to see her so today was a treat to all be together out in the 89* sunshine. The ground was cool and so was the house so outside was where it was at. Loved it.
So I have managed to get a little sewing done and a little quilt making going, but not like I was hoping for.
Add caption
 I started a Eleanor Burns pattern called Summer Porch, but I am doing it in Moda, Fig Tree Quilts, Cornucopia.
It will end up a fall bed quilt since it is going to be a king size. I seem to make either laps or kings and no in betweens.
We had a very nice Christmas with all here to celebrate. It was a great time having all the girls home with their guys tagging along. This was one of the best in a very long time.
So with all this said and really there is so much more that could be said but won't be, I will say I hope you all have a great year ahead, and may the Good LORD be with you and guide you and Bless you abundantly.

all the girls

Merry Christmas 2011
         Happy New Year and God Bless you all.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

More Done

I can not believe I have not posted that I finished another quilt top this year. I wish I could have been this productive all year.
As I stated in an earlier post, I hoped to finish another  top before the end of this year, and I did. It is in flannels from Maywood Studios. Lovely to work with.
Not only did I complete the top, I have started another one. Whoohoo...
I also made an apron upon request for a customer who wanted to have that special gift for her wonderful mother-in-law. So I don't have a lot of time to sit and chit chat, because I need to get to my next project while I can.

something to hold it together in the back
yet it slides.
We are on Christmas break, and we are enJOYing it.

Are you enjoying your Christmas holiday season?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Harvest Christmas Concert

Just want to share a great concert with you all. Sit back with your favorite brew and a cozy quilt, turn up the volume and sit awhile, all the while,

Friday, December 9, 2011

Surprise Mystery Finished(top)

  I am sooo happy to say that I have finished another quilt top, this year.
Some may say "so what", and others may say, "is that all"?.
But I say "Whoohoo"!.

 I wanted to do the jelly roll mystery , but was so far behind that I waited to get all the directions and then went at it. Of course for "Therapy".  I cannot say it is a finished quilt because it needs to be quilted, but as to date, I have finished One completed quilt for my daughter as a wedding gift and two quilt tops.
I have also started another one.
Where has this year gone.
Homeschooling my grand-daughter has taken up much of my time and then there was the spring/ summer vegetable gardens. Nearing the end was a wedding and of course the dailies we run into. Wow. 2011 is just about over and I hope I can get another quilt top done.
If not I have all next year right?